sexta-feira, março 12, 2010

O rio

It all depends on when you're placed into the river, and where that river takes you - it couldn't happen the same way a week earlier or a week later. You're in your time and space in the river. Now, you can swim over toward the bank where the current isn't as fast, but basically from that point you're going down the river. You can swim upstream. But just for a little bit. If you swim up against the current a lot, by the time you die you have only covered a short distance along the bank. If you go over to the edge and go with the mainstream, you cover a lot more territory, but you're not exercising. I don't think you ever have the energy to beat the river. The river is always going faster than you can swim against it. The reason I think you fight against something is simply because it's there to fight against.

Robert Altman, citado por Mitchell Zuckoff

2 comentários:

Flávio Ricardo Vassoler disse...


Muito boa a citação algo heraclitiana da contestação que procura, contraditoriamente, a própria sobrevivência que beira o afogamento - o pensamento crítico sempre se viu às voltas da afonia, da mudez. Como diria Horkheimer, ninguém procura segui-lo, além de seus perseguidores - ou pior, editores...

Quero convidá-lo a participar das discussões que vêm acontecendo lá no Subsolo das Memórias - Acabo de postar um ensaio sobre O Ensaio sobre a cegueira, do seu patrício Saramago. Algumas pessoas já fizeram comentários que seguem rente às margens do seu RIO.

Um abraço,

Flávio Ricardo

S disse...

i think you can reach the bank on the other side to rest - at least - a little bit.